Current Version: 1.8.0



Weapon, Health, Money, "Radio", location, direction, speed, nearest postal AOP indicators

This is configured to work with NAT2K15 Money, ND, ESX, QBCore, or Big Daddy Money (or course) but can be modified to work with any framework in the server.lua file. Or the money can be disabled completely.

Press [Z] or [DPAD Down] to bring up money display (if enabled). It fades out again after a few seconds. It will fade in when the totals change by either getting paid or paying someone. 

Cycle Proximity keybind must be the same as whatever radio/voip system is being used so they stay in sync.

There is a HUD Options menu that the user can use to configure what elements they want on their screen. 

Two location/compass options, speed display, health/armor, radio/void indicator that changes color depending on proximity, AOP display. Can utilize ACE Permissions to restrict who can set AOP. Now supports ultrawide monitors (beta).

Nearest postal uses postals.json data file. By default this is using the OCRP postals. Included are two other postal files. Pick the one that matches your server and rename it. You can also use any custom postal file as long as the data is in the right format. They all usually use the same format.



Change Log

7/26/2024 - v1.8.0 (includes a settings.ini update)

  • Fixed the AOP to be set and accurate for anyone joining the server AFTER it has been set
  • Renamed resource from "Personal HUD" to just "HUD"

3/24.2024 - v1.73

  • Tweak to startup process to fix an integration issue with BigDaddy-Money
  • Tweaked AOP permissions to fix a bug

8/22/2023 - v1.72 

  • Removed spawn even dependency
  • Fixed the radio proximity indicator so it never goes out of sync with the radio anymore and does not rely on the keybind, which is now removed

6/22/2023 - v1.7

  • Added Stamina and Underwater Lung statuses
  • Added new /postal command functionality
  • Integrated BigDaddy-Money

3/30/2023 - v1.6 - Changed health meter to be based on percentage of health since servers seemed to have a discrepancy as to what the max health number is.

2/27/2023 - v1.51 - A few minor bug fixes. 

2/21/2023 - v1.5 - Changed default location to work with Speedometer+ a little better. Optimized code some. Added Speedometer+ options to menu (if you have it).

12/31/2022 - v1.4 - Updated licensing and resource startup to newer version which fixes a bug in the startup process.

11/14/2022 - v1.3 - Changed positioning values in the default settings.ini to not use pixel values since different resolutions would position it differently. Using percent instead now. Fixed a bug in the compass if it was not following the gameplay cam where it would be stuck if you got out of a vehicle. Fixed a bug in the menu rendering where it sometimes doubled the menu options. Fixed a bug in the ultrawide support that caused it to not move the elements if that math hit a certain situation.

11/11/2022 - v1.2 - Added new HUD elements... Two location/compass displays, speed, nearest postal, AOP functions, radio/void indicator, ultrawide support.

10/14/2022 - v1.1 - Tweaked style of money display. Added functionality to hide the HUD if the pause menu is active.