


Current Version: 1.65


ON SALE: $11.25


Set off fireworks in FiveM. Set off sparklers, rockets, mortars, fountains or a "finale" box. The number of fireworks in a box is randomly generated as is the color, the angle it shoots, the time between fireworks so the show is different every time it is started. Mortars and Box fireworks can hurt you if you are too close.

Now with "Show Mode" where you can lay down multiple fireworks without lighting them right away and then control the "show" from a menu and light one at a time or all at once.

Now with custom fireworks props made by BPB Mods (Mrs. BzZz).


  • /fireworks Opens fireworks menu.
  • /setfireworks-rocket Sets down a rocket and lights it.
  • /setfireworks-fountain Sets down a fountain cone and lights it.
  • /setfireworks-mortar Sets down a single mortar firework and lights it.
  • /setfireworks-box Sets down a box of fireworks and lights it.

You can now set the commands to whatever you want in the settings.ini file and hide the command hints if you want to keep this a secret from abusers.

Known Issues:

The issue of vehicles despawning if you spawn fireworks on them seems to be fixed so fireworks on a boat now works. Happy dance.



ON SALE: $11.25

Change Log

3/7/2024 - v1.65 (Includes a settings.ini update)

  • Tweaked volume settings down a little
  • Fixed the fire at the end of a box or fountain to be a chance instead of a sure thing for ALL items that a fire starts under
  • Removed server debug message spamming

1/26/2024 - v1.64

  • Changed the fire that starts at the end of a box or finale to only be a chance of a fire instead of happening every time.

12/9/2023 - v1.63 (includes a settings.ini update)

  • Add ALL NEW custom sounds for more realistic and less annoying fireworks
  • Updated timing of some of the fireworks
  • Added new finale box that shoots longer and faster

11/16/2023 - v1.62

  • Fixed a bug where SHOWMODE did not always toggle on.
  • Reworked some of the particle effects for launching Mortars and the Box. Also tweaked the timing of how they are launched.
  • Also reworked the explosion sounds to make them slightly less intrusive but still be big.

8/14/2023 - v1.61

  • Fixed a weird bug where a phantom golf ball was left where a rocket was shot from. I know what it was and why but am not going into it. lol

7/4/2023 - v1.6

  • Added new fireworks effects for mortars and boxes
  • Made booms much bigger

6/7/2023 - v1.5

  • Added new custom fireworks models
  • Added show mode so you can lay down fireworks and set them off using a menu (see documentation for details)

4/7/2023 - v1.41 

  • Fixed the controller opening menu annoyance.

1/22/2023 - v1.4 

  • File was misnamed in the fxmanifast after the last update causing the script to not run. Sorry.

12/31/2022 - v1.3 

  • Added a new menu for all fireworks. Just use /fireworks (configurable) to open menu. 
  • Also, updated licensing and resource startup to newer version which fixes a bug in the startup process.

    10/1/2022 - v1.2 
  • Added config options so you can change the commands to be whatever you want and the ability to hide the command hints. This is so you can make the commands secret if want to protect the script from public use.