


Current Version: 1.71


ON SALE: $6.75


Trunk interaction controls


You can open and close the trunk as well as hide in the trunk. You will not clip through the trunk when inside. 

The camera is free and moveable with the mouse while you are in the trunk and will now zoom in slightly when the vehicle slows or stops so the proximity radio will not be so quiet while you are in the trunk. 

There is a config option to exempt emergency vehicles from trunk hiding. 

You can exit a moving vehicle, but you will probably eat some pavement. 

Now this has an editable "whitelist" for vehicles that you want to be seen when in the "trunk" such as pickup trucks, SUVs hatchbacks, etc. 

Credits: REDRUM, of course, for having by far the most popular trunk script ever which, obviously, inspired this. Kiminaze has some really great custom camera functions that helped me figure out how to make the free camera work.



ON SALE: $6.75

Change Log

2/21/2024 - 1.71

  • fixed a bug where using a controller would cause the driver to end up in the trunk. 

2/21/2024 - 1.7 (includes a settings.ini update)

  • There is now an option to hide the text on the screen. So you would have no prompts at all. You would have to remember the keys.
  • The targeting is much improved so it's not so finicky. If you are within 2m of the trunk whether you are facing the car or not, the stuff should work.
  • If you tried to open the trunk of a vehicle that wasn't yours, the trunk would open and then immediately close again. This is fixed.

9/10/2023 - v1.6 -

  • Added Locales (by customer request) to change the prompt texts on the screen
  • Updated licensing library
  • Removed spawn event dependency

12/31/2022 - v1.5 - Updated licensing and resource startup to newer version which fixes a bug in the startup process.

12/13/2022 - v1.4 - Added options in the settings.ini to set key binds for getting into and out of and opening/closing the trunk. Also, slightly increased the distance from the trunk that the prompt appears.

11/11/2022 - v1.3 - Added a speed detector to the camera while in the trunk. If the vehicle you are in slows to almost stopped, the camera zooms in a little and back out when it speeds up. This is to help with the proximity radio issue where people were very quiet when you are in the trunk because the camera is too far away to really hear them well.

11/10/2022 - v1.2 - Complete rework of how the player gets into the trunk. This fixes/improves many little things. Cars with frunks (trunks in the front) will now work correctly. How the player is placed in the trunk was changed so it is based on the vehicle model height. Most vehicles you fit right where you should be... most vehicles. Added a bit that if you exit the trunk while the vehicle is moving, you will eat pavement. Changed how the camera works while getting into and out of the trunk so it doesn't do that jarring close-up thing when the transition happens. Much smoother.

11/7/2022 - v1.1 - Added settings option to add vehicles to an InvisibleException list. Basically when you hide in the truck, you go invisible when it closes and visible when it opens. This keeps you from clipping through the trunk. Any vehicle spawn names in this setting will keep you from going invisible. Things like SUVs and PickUp trucks are good examples. You would be seen. Beware: where you are placed in the trunk is dependent upon where the trunk "bone" is in the model. Sometimes that can be in a strange place depending on how the model was built and you could end up positioned unrealistically. I have no control over where the model creator put this bone. Most vehicles are good, but I have seen a few be strange.