Car Lock Pick


Car Lock Pick

Current Version: 1.52


ON SALE: $4.50


As seen on OCRP

Time it takes to pick the lock is dynamic and random. Whether the alarm goes off on the vehicle or not is random chance. There is an option to make emergency vehicles exempt. You can press [X] while picking the lock to abort the pick and run away if you are getting caught or something.



ON SALE: $4.50

Change Log

3/30/2023 - v1.52 

  • After breaking the ability to unlock AI vehicles with the last update, this update fixes that update. 
  • AI vehicles, if locked, are pickable now.

3/21/2023 - v1.51 

  • Fixed an issue where cars locked with Vehicle Control script were not pickable with this script.

2/24/2023 - v1.5 

  • Did some optimization. 
  • Also tweaked where the player stands when they start to pick the lock to improve the positioning a little.

12/31/2022 - v1.4 

  • Updated licensing and resource startup to newer version which fixes a bug in the startup process.

11/28/2022 - v1.3 

  • Fixed placement of 3D PICK LOCK text that sometimes was not accurately placed. 
  • Also, added ability to pick passenger side of vehicle as well.

11/1/2022 - v1.2 

  • Slight tweak to fix the script displaying the PICK LOCK prompt on an NPC/AI car that you just picked the lock on.

10/31/2022 - v1.1 

  • Fixed a bug where NPC/AI vehicles caused player to just smash the window and break in without picking the lock.