Current Version: 1.2


ON SALE: $4.50


As seen on OCRP

Broadcast emergency alerts to the server. Non-intrusive banner at the top of the screen. Use ACE Permissions to limit use. Sound is configurable.

NOTE: It is illegal on a federal level in the US to use the EAS Broadcast tones. They were moved from this resource and replaced with other alert sound.



ON SALE: $4.50

Change Log

5/23/2023 - v1.2

  • Added a catch for those people having double event triggers and the alerts were running twice in a row. This was not an error in the script, but something on the server. We just added a catch so it would not happen within this script.

4/5/2023 - v1.1 

  • Changed EAS alert sound due to using the actual US EAS sound is apparently frowned upon. 
  • Also added version check logic