County Services


County Services

Current Version: 1.0

Ever have a scene that needs a tow truck but no one is on as a driver? Or need EMS service but none are available? Fret no more, County Services has you taken care of. Request a tow, a coroner, an ambulance, a prisoner transport, medical evacuation via helicopter or even animal control, all AI driven. Sure they drive like crap just like all San Andreas locals. But they will take the dead, dying, degenerates (including animals in all those categories) and driverless vehicles off your scene.

You can transport NPC or Players.

Comes with custom vehicles for Coroner, Animal Control, Police Transport and each comes with the template so you can make your own livery.

[video coming]

NOTE: These are GTA AI driving around and they are just as bad as ever. You can expect some crazy situations where they run over you or run into other things and vehicles. Sometimes they get stuck because they are too stupid to go around. This is just the nature of trying to control AI characters. For the most part they get the job done. Just expect some failures, although it does make it funnier.

Available soon