


Current Version: 1.43


ON SALE: $22.50


Fuel any vehicle, gas or electric. Custom ev chargers (included). Custom fuel truck for aircraft (included). Integrate with your money system of choice. Nozzles and hoses work (included). ALL functionality in one script. 

What's configurable?


  • How fast it fuels. Speed up or slow down how long it takes to refuel.
  • How fast it burns. Don't like filling up so often, slow the burn rate per class of vehicle and by RPM (higher RPMs burn fuel faster)
  • How much? Price per gallon can be set to whatever you want.
  • Gallons? You can set whatever unit you want, liters, gallons, whatever.
  • Money? You can use a money framework of your choice or just "pretend" to use money.
  • Exploding pumps? Yes, or you can turn them off if you want.
  • Chance of overflow? Yes, there is a chance that when the tank is full the hose doesn't shutoff but overflows fuel onto the ground. This can be set to a higher or lower chance or disabled completely.
  • Different language? Yes, you can set the text that shows on the screen to whatever language you want to use.

known limitations:

Right now it's only self-service. You cannot fuel someone else's vehicle. I am working on a solution that will be released when it get's done.

Sometimes if you move too far away from a vehicle while it's fueling/charging, bad things happen.

A GTA quirk is that you cannot fuel a vehicle with someone in the passenger seat. Don't know why that is.



ON SALE: $22.50

Change Log

10/22/2023 - v1.43

  • Fixes a bug where the Fuel Truck threw a money error if you had money disabled.
  • Fixes a bug in the server.lua for certain money frameworks.

9/12/2023 - v1.42

  • Fixes a bug where the filling/charging/gauge would not show if you have money set to false... oops.

9/12/2023 - v1.41 (includes a settings.ini update)

  • Fixes the money bug where if you didn't have a money framework set it threw an error when doing the new credit check function
  • Adds fuel gauge for don't have one.

9/9/2023 - v1.4 (contains a settings.ini update)

  • New EV Charger Model (Tesla Supercharger)
  • New graphical interface with realistic pump display and charging display while filling and charging
  • Charging now costs money
  • Added new credit check before pumping/charging so if you don't have enough money in the bank, you can't fill/charge
  • New keybind configuration.

7/18/2023 - v1.3

  • Tweaked the exports to actually work.

7/11/2023 - v1.22

  • Added exports for getting and setting fuel levels
  • Made tank capacity fit what the in game data says and fixed fueling rate to be realistic (can be adjusted in the settings.ini)

6/22/2023 - 1.21

  • Integrated BigDaddy-Money
  • Minor bug fixes

6/15/2023 - v1.2

  • Added config option for a list of vehicles forced to be gas powered (for those times vehicles are miscategorized)
  • Add Export for getting whether a vehicle is electric or not to use from other resources

5/30/2023 - v1.1

  • Fixed tank size for emergency vehicles. They were defaulting to a tank that was too big.
  • Removed the variable refuel rates. Since tank sizes are variable it just didn't need to be there and it was left over from before tank sizes were implemented.

5/23/2023 - v1.09 - 

  • QuadBikes now have a fuel cap location and can be fueled. 
  • Fixed a bug where the hoses were unbreakable if explosions were turned off.
  • Added conditions to NOT show prompt to push the car if you are in the trunk (tested using BigDaddy-Trunked).
  • Added expanded PAY functions in preparation of BigDaddy-Money resource compatibility

5/9/2023 - v1.08 - Added the ability to push vehicles. Changed EV Charger blip. Made all blips smaller. Updated PAY functions with wider framework support.

4/21/2023 - v1.07 - Refined function to determine if vehicle is electric or not. Added config option in settings.ini to override type and force a vehicle to be electric. This DOES NOT change how the vehicle drives or sounds. It'll still sound like a gas vehicle if it did before you forced it to electric.

4/1/2023 - v1.06 - Removed the ill-advised molotov fire at the pump if explosions were turned off. It did not work out as planned. Sorry. Also, added a slight delay on the explosion code to hopefully stop some of the quick trigger explosions because of lag.

3/30/2023 - v1.05 - Reworked explosion code to stop those random explosions. Changed how they explode as well.

3/29/2023 - v1.04 - Temporarily removed all pump explosions until we know for sure it is working properly. We think it is, but are testing. This update will keep it from happening for now. NOTE: this turns off ALL pump explosions, even the ones when you pull the hose too far.

3/28/2023 - v1.03 - Random gas pump explosions fixed. Was a sync issue with multiple people on a server.

3/27/2023 - v1.02 - Added Gas Station blips (can turn off or on in config). Fix an issue where EV Chargers exploded if multiple people were around.  Added boats. Still tweaking but you should be able to fuel most boats now.

3/23/2023 - v1.01 - Changed all the explosions to more match what was exploding. The EV Chargers just smoke a lot now.