


Current Version: 1.12



A money framework with the following functionality:

  • Cash
  • Bank Account
  • Pay Cash (to a person or to a generic source)
  • Pay Debit (to a person or to a generic source)
  • Make it Rain (Cash payment with animation)
  • Request payments from players
  • ATM (deposit and withdrawl)
    • Can be set to require increments, like in increments of $10
    • Can be set to assess an ATM transaction fee.
  • Paycheck
    • Right now it's a flat amount to everyone at configurable intervals
  • Loose mode, allows players to set whatever level of cash or bank that they need for a scene. Or turn loose mode off to use as usual.
  • Contains exports to be able to integrate into other resources.

What makes this different or better than other money frameworks? Nothing. Other than it will integrate seamlessly with all Big Daddy scripts that use money. And it's built in the usual Big Daddy style and detail. It will grow and expand as I continue to build on this. This is just phase 1.

NOTE: Please click the big yellow button below and read the documentation. This requires MySQL on your server and things to be configured. It requires someone with some knowledge of how to do that. We will not field questions about database setup not related to this script, I simply do not have time.



Change Log

4/26/2024 - v1.12

  • fixed a bug where a player joins for the first time (since the script was put in) and a server error was thrown.

4/23/2024 - v1.11

  • Option to turn off text prompts on screen
  • new ATM screens that show what buttons to push to use them
  • Fixed the double total display for the local display text

3/23/2024 - v1.1

  • Completely rewritten database connectivity code (WSQL)
  • Now works with later versions of MariaDB
  • Now works with both connection string formats so not more connection string translation required
  • New money totals display included for those without another HUD to display totals
  • More fixes and tweaks...

7/24/2023 - v1.01

  • Add connection string conversion so if you use the mysql:// connection string it should be able to use that now.
  • Added the ability to request money from someone and they have the ability to refuse it
  • Removed the dependency on the Spawn Event
  • Added a money actions menu