Radio Animation


Radio Animation

Current Version: 1.3



Very simple script that allows you to set your PTT (Push To Talk) key to whatever your external radio key is. It will animate your player with a "talking on the radio animation" while you are talking. 

This was built for anyone using an external application for LEO/EMS/ETC radio such as TeamSpeak where it is not integrated into your FiveM server. You set the PTT key to match what your PTT Radio key is and the animation will play when you push the key. Can be toggled on and off. Has custom radio sounds, can be turned off in the config. This is not dependent on any particular radio and runs completely separate from the radio. That's why you have to make sure your key bound with this script matches your PTT key for your radio.

There are three animations to choose from based on where your radio is on your uniform/clothing... shoulder, chest and handheld for civilians or others without a radio on your body. You can switch between these easily.

Custom animations (all three) were built by Mrs. BzZz exclusively for this resource. They are not to be used for anything but this resource or it is a violation of the resource license agreement.



Change Log

11/18/2023 - v1.3

  • Fixed a bug where it was not remembering your last radio choice after a relog.

8/27/2023 - v1.2 (includes a settings.ini update)

  • Added new locales for pretty much all text that shows up anywhere associated with this script
  • Now you can use your own animations instead of the ones included

8/22/2023 - v1.1 (includes a settings.ini update)

  • All new custom animations for all three radio positions.
  • New /commands for binding to Steam Deck
  • Locales made customizable so you can change the language of the menu and info displays